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Supported Living


What We Do

Our supported living services aims to give you greater choice and control over how you live your life. We aim to empower you to achieve the best possible outcomes. 


Our goal is to support you to live independently and safely in the community. The focus of our service is to encourage you to build on your strengths and develop positive support networks. We aim to support you to achieve your life aspirations, enabling you to lead a more enriching and fulfilling life.


You are at the centre of our service delivery. We work in partnership with you, your family members (where appropriate) as well as the professionals who may be supporting you, agreeing together how we will support you to be as independent as possible.


A key principle underpinning our services is that you are looked after in the least restrictive environment possible in order to facilitate your transition into the community. Your Care Pathway is planned in partnership with you and your family (where appropriate) and the profesionals supporting you to ensure the support you are receiving is required for your needs.





Who We Support

We are experienced in supporting service users who present with:


  •  Drug and Alcohol misuse 

  •  Learning disabilities and Autism

  •  Complex Needs 

  •  Mental health needs


We are accept referrals from individuals who have been deemed as unable to live independently in the community due to their mental health needs.

What We Offer

The support you receive will be 1:1 and is available 27 hours a day. It includes:​


Personal care (if required)


Daily living tasks:

  • Paying bills and managing money

  • Managing health needs

  • Personal hygiene

  • Cooking


Social and leisure:

  • Pursuing hobbies and interests

  • Maintaining relationships with family and friends

  • Community involvement


Education and Employment:

  • Finding a college course

  • Voluntary work

  • Paid work


Building and supporting relationships:

  • Meeting new people and making friends

  • Going to hospital and doctor appointments

  • Dealing with strangers


Independent living:

  • Choosing where to live and tenancy agreements

  • Cleaning the home and being a good neighbour

  • Shopping

  • Travel training

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